Sunday, June 17, 2012

Having devoted the first 20 years of professional art-making to painting my feelings of angst about the condition of the world in general, I have diverted my attention to the Universe and intangible things like science, fractal theory, string theory, etc etc etc and the unseen threads that connect our more intelligent unconscious minds.

After reading The Secret and many other positive attitude books, perhaps my disposition has improved.  It seems that the more abstract my work becomes, the less apt I am to focus on any negativity created by the varmints that live on the face of the Earth called "humans".  I'm one of them, so don't think me to be feeling all superior and stuff.

By swimming in the sea of the collective unconscious and even breaking those barriers by jetting out into the Universe, I find that my perspective on life becomes less involved with this physical reality.  This allows me to escape temporarily and to create stuff that I hope helps others find that picnic without the ants.

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